Vitalcan Quality

quality control food

Technical controls

We are renowned for our product quality. That is why vets recommend our brands. Indeed, our products are subjected to an exhaustive quality control that starts with raw materials and ends with finished product studies.

Every Vitalcan food piece that reaches your pet’s plate goes through the following controls:

Raw materials are subjected to strict biochemical and bacteriological controls. Under our strict protocols, only raw materials that overcome such controls may enter the manufacture site.

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During the manufacturing process, product samples are taken for further analysis at every stage.

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Upon finishing the manufacturing process, the final product is subjected to exhaustive physical-chemical and bromatological controls.

By doing this, Vitalcan takes rigorous care of the entire production chain so as to ensure you will a product under excellent conditions.

Vitalcan has a team of Technical Consultants made up of veterinarians that regularly visit veterinary clinics and pet shops throughout the country. Their role is to provide guidance to train staff on the impact our products and their different ingredients have on your pet’s body. Our goal is that, if you want to buy any of our brands, you will receive appropriate guidance according to your pet’s breed, age and condition.

The quality controls we carry out allow us to provide Vitalcan Satisfaction Warranty in all of our products. If you have any doubt about the product you have purchased, please contact us. Our veterinarian team will answer your questions: 0800-666-8226

Research Center

Research is about investigating and experimenting to increase knowledge. At Vitalcan, we are continuously seeking more and better knowledge to create new healthy options for pets.

That is why we have entered into an agreement with the School of Veterinary Sciences, National University of the Center of Buenos Aires Province (UNICEN), and created the Vitalcan Research Center, which turns us into the only company in the industry to carry out our own research in Argentina.

That research ensures the quality of all Vitalcan products and means an essential scientific advancement in small animal nutrition knowledge. The research carried out at the Center is non-invasive for pets, conforming to our brand’s animal welfare values.

Secure Packages

The strict care we take regarding production chain includes our package manufacture. They were designed to protect our food against external factors, such as sunlight and humidity, among others.

Through a thorough design and manufacture process, we seek the following in our packages:

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Creating strong, useful packages

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Preserving your pet's food properly

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Minimizing environmental impact


Micro-perforations prevent bag breaks.


The folded, glued base considerably reinforces package to prevent breaks, which is essential in big presentations.


We use this kind of sealing for packages (k sealing) to achieve a higher resistance in package critical points.


The tri-laminate structure provides low external agent (gasses such as oxygen and carbon dioxide) permeability.


We reduced a 15% of the material used for bigger packages and continue working to reduce other presentation bag thickness. Our goal is to minimize the fossil polymers used so as to reduce environmental impact while keeping package preservation properties.


We use a double layer of biaxially-oriented polyethylene (PE), which is a very flexible, highly resistant material.


Every Vitalcan food bag that you take home contains research, studies, packaging control, quality controls, raw material assessment and a perfect mix of carefully selected ingredients for your pet’s health.

These ingredients (meals, oils, cereals, natural extracts, etc.) have the essential nutrients for a healthy, balanced diet.

We invite you to learn more about which of these nutrients are necessary for your pet to have a healthy development.

Calidad Vitalcan Nutricion


Proteins are the main structural organ and tissue components of our pets’ body; therefore, they must be included in their nutrition. Most importantly, proteins with a high biological value, i.e., animal proteins (meat meal, poultry meal) over vegetable proteins. High biological value proteins are digested more easily and provide a higher amount of essential amino acids.

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These are a source of glucose, which provides the energy your pet needs for its daily life. You can find them on your pet’s food bag as starches, soluble fiber (e.g. beet pulp) or insoluble fiber (cellulose).

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These are the main energy source and can be stored as fat. Moreover, they provide flavor for your pet’s taste. However, in order for food to provide a valuable lipid contribution, lipids must be essential fatty acids, such as Omega-3 and Omega-6. Large and proper amounts of these oils can be found in fish.

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These are necessary to achieve canine and feline normal physiological functions. They act as enzymatic process catalysts and are involved in bone development, among other functions; therefore — as with human beings — they are essential for life.

Calidad Vitalcan Nutricion


Water is a vital nutrient for your pet and is essential for its proper body functioning, just like our body. Paying attention to its food is very important, but you must also make sure your pet always has fresh, clean water available and control water intake. A loss of just 12% of water from its body can have serious consequences.

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